Metaverse marketing: what it is

and why you should use it

The metaverse is the latest marketing buzz, but does the idea live up to the hype?

The internet has forever changed the way we consume and produce information. In the age of the metaverse, marketing is no exception. With so many ways to reach consumers, it's important for businesses to find the right platform and strategy to effectively market their products and services. In this article, I help break down exactly what is meant by the term "metaverse" and also explain the different ways marketing in the metaverse can benefit your business, in addition to the challenges you may face.

What exactly is the metaverse?

Well, the term isn't actually anything new - in fact, the metaverse is a concept that has been around for quite some time. First introduced in 1998 by Neal Stephenson in his book Snow Crash, the metaverse is a digital world or worlds that exist beyond our current reality. There isn't one singular agreed upon definition of the metaverse, but the idea is that it's a place where users can collaborate, socialize and experience new forms of virtual reality. Although the metaverse has yet to take off as a mainstream reality, its potential is endless and businesses are already starting to adopt it as a way to market their products and services. By taking the time to understand the metaverse and how it works, you can create marketing strategies that are both innovative and effective.

lucrezia carnelos IMUwe p1yqs unsplash scaled Erica Rae | Content Writer and Marketing Strategist

Here is one way that people are accessing the metaverse - through virtual reality. I still think it is kind of strange this can be more fun than actually interacting with the people sitting right next to you.

Characteristics of the metaverse

While there isn’t a singular agreed upon definition for the metaverse, there are some generally agreed upon characteristics of what a metaverse usually consists of. They are persistent spaces, with a digital economy, where users interact through avatars synchronously and in real time.

These interactions and experiences that happen should make you feel like you are “really there” with other users, and will likely blur the lines between the digital world and the real one.

One example of this existing already is a virtual world called Second Life - an online world and marketplace that has existed since 2003. It allows users to create avatars or virtual representations that they can customize according to their own preferences. There's even a Second Life marketplace where people sell goods and services in this virtual world using the in-game virtual currency, which is called the Linden dollar.

secondlife Erica Rae | Content Writer and Marketing Strategist
secondlifescreenshot Erica Rae | Content Writer and Marketing Strategist

The Second Life virtual world isn't anything new - in fact it has existed since 2003. At the height of Second Life's popularity in 2009, the Second Life economy generated a reported $567 million - about 25% per cent of the entire U.S. virtual goods market.

Benefits of marketing in the metaverse

Metaverse marketing offers a number of benefits that make it a great choice for businesses. Technological advancements in recent years has made it possible to create immersive experiences that are easy to share with others. This allows you to target specific audiences and communicate with them in a way that is effective and engaging. Additionally, metaverse marketing is cost-effective, making it an ideal choice for marketing campaigns that require limited resources.

More personalized marketing

The market is increasingly becoming more personalized, which in turn offers marketers a wider range of marketing opportunities. With personalization comes the ability to target specific demographics more precisely than ever before - down to the individual avatar. You can send tailored messages and notifications directly to the customer's account, making sure that they are always kept up-to-date on your latest promotions and offerings.

Personalized marketing also has an interactive edge as it encourages customers to take part in discussions and feedback sessions related to your products or services. This way, you get a real sense of understanding their needs and preferences, increasing chances of generating sales from them in the long run.

Increased brand loyalty and advocacy

Metaverse marketing offers the potential to create amazing virtual experiences that can't be found in the real world. This opens up a lot of opportunities for businesses to connect with customers in a unique way and build long-term relationships. In addition, metaverse marketing has the potential to increase brand loyalty as customers feel like they are part of something larger than themselves - this leads them to act as advocates for your brand.

"For businesses, the metaverse is a chance to expand their customer base, boost consumer confidence and explore a new income source. We can't emphasize enough how important Gen Z customers are to the metaverse. Experts expect that by 2030, Gen Z’s spending power will exceed that of Millennials."

Ammad Asif, Stream Digitally

Greater reach per dollar spent

Metaverse marketing allows businesses to create engaging and unique content without spending money on advertising. Not only that, but it also has the potential to reach a global audience quickly and easily with a smaller budget. This is perfect for brands who want greater reach per dollar spent.

Stay ahead of the curve

Sher Jan, from US Installment Loans says, “Innovation has always been a key driver of business success, and the metaverse offers a new frontier for companies to explore. By marketing in the metaverse, businesses can reach a wider audience, engage with customers in new and exciting ways and create unique experiences that are impossible to replicate in the physical world.” 

This is a great way to stand out from your competition; by being at the forefront of innovation in your sector with creative marketing experiences that you won’t find anywhere else. With this strategy, businesses can stay ahead of the curve while also catching the attention of the next generation of customers.

mika baumeister aEKwSdX5pJU unsplash scaled Erica Rae | Content Writer and Marketing Strategist
uriel soberanes MxVkWPiJALs unsplash scaled Erica Rae | Content Writer and Marketing Strategist

Metaverse marketing strategies and tactics

Let's take a look at the various marketing strategies and practices that are already being used in the metaverse today. Metaverse marketing continues to be a rapidly growing industry, and there are many ways to get involved right now, including immersive experiences and NFT’s, to name a few.

Mixed reality and immersive experiences

Mixed reality is a term that describes the blending of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), two forms of immersive experience. By using VR technology in combination with AR, you can create immersive virtual experiences that can be used to promote products, services or brands. There are various ways you can achieve this such as through games or virtual events. In fact, mixed reality gaming has already become one of the most popular uses for VR technology today. As such, it's no wonder that it has the potential to reach a wide global audience and create a strong brand image for your business.

hammer tusk tzUJHxlAZFk unsplash scaled Erica Rae | Content Writer and Marketing Strategist

Virtual influencers

Since the virtual world is becoming eerily similar to the physical world, it only seems that many marketing tactics will become useful in the metaverse as well. For example, influencers can be used to promote products and services in a similar way. This way, you don't have to waste money on traditional advertising methods- instead, use virtual influencers to reach a large audience directly. Moreover, virtual influencers are great for brand awareness- by featuring their endorsements or reviews of your product or service on social media platforms and other digital channels, you can create an awareness that would otherwise require heavy marketing expenses.

NFT's (non-fungible tokens)

NFT's (non-fungible tokens) are digital assets that utilize blockchain technology and smart contracts, and NFT’s are often things like unique digital works of art, in-game items, or even tickets that give you access to an event. The important thing to note about NFT’s is that because they utilize secure blockchain technology, they can only ever have one owner at a time, and thus cannot be copied. These digital assets can be collected and traded by users, and this trend has taken off already. Many of the world’s most recognized brands have already begun to jump into the NFT world, including Nike, Lamborghini, Louis Vuitton, and Samsung. Many brands have seen a hefty profit from the creation of NFT’s, and in 2021, the global NFT sales were a reported $17.7 billion.

Native advertising

Native advertising is a new form of advertising that has been gaining popularity lately. It is based on the premise that users should be presented with content that is relevant to the platform they are using, and feels like it's part of the brand itself. Metaverse marketing takes this idea one step further by creating engaging experiences for users from start to finish. Instead of feeling like an outsider looking in, they feel like they're a part of something special.


Gamification is a method of using gaming mechanics and strategies to reward users for engaging with your product or service. It can be used to increase customer engagement, motivate them towards learning more about your brand, and build a loyal customer base who will evangelize the brand for you. In other words, gamification can help you achieve your business goals in an exciting and fun way!

Challenges of the metaverse

It should be noted that while the metaverse has plenty of opportunities, there are still challenges that are going to be faced for those who want to do business there. Chief among these concerns is the accessibility of the metaverse, the lack of trust among users, and what seems to be a plethora of complex unanswered legal questions. Fortunately, metaverse marketing companies are still thriving thanks to the dedication and innovation of their employees, and they are leading the way for those who come next.

Law in the metaverse

Metaverse platforms present a world of untapped opportunities and challenges that will need to be carefully considered, and one of those challenges is the legal framework(s) with which the metaverse will operate under. The big legal question that many people are wondering is who or what actually will govern the metaverse or metaverses?

Additionally, there are concerns around land ownership and the sale of property in the metaverse, and also how criminal activity will be dealt with. It is expected that as the practical applications of the metaverse continue to broaden and evolve due to new technological developments, there will be complex legal and regulatory challenges that emerge as well. While there have been some preliminary discussions on these matters so far, much more needs to be done before we can fully understand how metaverse laws will work.

Lack of trust among users

Despite the progress made so far, there are still some challenges that need to be addressed in order to reduce user distrust. For example, businesses still struggle with trust issues related to data protection and privacy. Additionally, there is a lack of transparency on how personal data is collected and used by companies, which creates an environment where users feel reluctant about sharing their information.

Nonetheless, there have been positive developments in terms of increasing the level of trust between business users and digital services providers. In fact, collaboration between these two groups has led to new ways for both sides to benefit from one another - such as the development of artificial intelligence-powered marketing strategies.

Limited accessibility

Metaverse marketing is a step in the right direction as it provides an innovative way to target customers. However, its accessibility is still limited, which means you will have to work harder to get noticed. This might not be easy as the metaverse has yet to catch on with mainstream audiences - but this doesn’t mean it isn’t worth exploring. For those willing to make the effort, and willing to experiment with new creative ideas, metaverse marketing could definitely be worth adding to your digital strategy.

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